Dear All,
What a strange year it has been for all of us, but it looks as though life may be getting back to something like normal in 2021.
As we said in our last newsletter we continue to stay positive, and planning for the next 12 months is well underway.
So what has been happening;
Our AGM was held on the 19th November 2020 and we are pleased to welcome Mat Webster and Robert Forshaw who were nominated and voted onto the Board of Directors at the meeting. We look forward to their valued input/ideas over the next few years. Minutes of the meeting with all other business matters will be circulated shortly.
The Community Centre has continued to be busy over the past three months with gallery sales still showing a marked increase on last year. At the beginning of November we went onto winter hours for reception, so make sure you check the website for current opening times.
As we cannot have a Christmas Party this year a Christmas tree will be put up and decorated by each village to link our community. Hopefully things will be back to normal next Christmas!
During November we applied for and were successful in procuring two Grants from Highlands and Islands Enterprise to help us with a number of exciting projects we are looking to implement over the next few months at the Centre as below:
- Production of a new promotional video for the Community Centre
- Installation of new cinema equipment into the main hall to allow us
to have movie nights showing the latest films and streamed live
theatre performances.
- Installation of two EV charging points out in the car park
- Undertake repairs around the car park area
- Replace the old storage container in the car park
- Provision of new and improved signage for the Centre as well as local
- Replacement of external seating to the patio area
- Replacement of the old computer in the reception area for use by the
community and visitors.
The Wee Whistle Stop Café has also continued to be busy and will remain open through to 19th December 2020 on reduced hours after which it will close for the winter until 14th February 2021. Visit the Torridon Community Centre website (www.lochtorridoncentre.co.uk/wee-whistlestop-cafe) and The Wee Whistle Stop FaceBook page (https://www.facebook.com/WeeWhistleStop/) for latest opening times and menu’s.
The Wee Whistle Stop is also holding a Scottish Cheese Fair, in line with Scottish Government guidelines for indoor markets , on the 19th December 2020, again refer to website and FaceBook page for more details.
Sessions with Osteopath Wayne Coleman continue to the end of the year and dates for 2021 will be posted on the Community Centre website calendar when released. Bookings can be made with Wayne Coleman direct on 01536 390868.
Hairdresser Jane Stevenson has visited three times now with varied attendance and is currently looking to schedule more dates for 2021 which will be posted on the website once available. Booking should be direct with Jane via her email janestevenson5@hotmail.co.uk providing your contact number and preferred time slot and she will get back and confirm.
Foot Health Practitioner, Ruth Ross, has now started regular clinics at the Community Centre with dates posted on the website calendar through to February 2021 and other dates will be posted when they become available. For more details on Ruth’s Foot Clinic refer to the Community Centre website/Facebook page.
What is not happening
The Main Hall remains closed for all events that cannot meet Scottish Government Guidelines.
Gym – We can understand a number of you are disappointed about the gym not reopening, but having considered both the Scottish Government guidelines and Sport Scotland guidelines, we fail to meet a number of critical criteria with regard to:
- Natural ventilation due to room configuration.
- Additional cleaning regimes
As such we consider the Health and Safety hazard too much of a risk not only for gym users but employees and visitors to the Community Centre. We will, however, continue to review as and when the guidelines are updated.
Meeting up with friends and family over Christmas and the New Year is going to be limited and frustrating but we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and thank you for your continued support over the past year.
